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Hana no Ma 花の間 美登英利 プロフィール Hidetoshi Mito Profile


1955 愛媛県生まれ/1985 グラフィックデザインスタジオ ミトグラフィコ設立/1990 作品集「sho by mito」を出版/1990-92 書の個展を日本各地で開催/1991 書をモチーフとしたポスター「花」「水」「鴬」で国際タイポグラフィ年鑑グランプリを受賞/1991 「日本の伝統音楽」CDジャケット デザインで国際タイポグラフィ年鑑入賞/1992 ポスター「色相の詩学展」「ポップアート展」で神奈川ポスター展優秀賞受賞(神奈川県川崎市民ミュージアム収蔵)/1998 世界医師学会主催核廃絶運動シンポジウムにポスター出展/1998 「リョービ書体ポスター百花展」参加/1999 「書の印象美登英利一人展」東京神田文房堂で開催/2000「陶器と書二人展」東京仁秀ギャラリーで開催/2009 詩と書二人展を東京HABA銀座店で開催/2009 作品集「書林」を出版/2011 一般社団法人日本デザイン書道作家協会アドバイザー就任/2011 日中韓タイポグラフィの祭典 タイポジャンチに出展


Hidetoshi Mito

Born in Ehime Prefecture, Japan in 1955.
1985 founded own company mitografico in Tokyo Japan.  
1990 published a book of calligraphy works, sho by mito.
1990-92 held an exhibition of calligraphic works at various places across Japan.
1991 award a grand prix of International Typography Almanac for calligraphy posters "HANA (Flowers)", "MIZU (Water)" and "UGUISU (Bush Warbler)".
1991 a winner of International Typography Almanac for CD cover design "Japanese Traditional Music".
1992 award a prize of Kanagawa poster exhibition for "The World of Pop Art" and "Poetic of Hue" (owned by Kawasaki City Museums Collection).
1998 exhibit a poster for Nuclear Free Symposium by world medical association.
1998 exhibit to "Blooming Typefaces from Ryobi".
1999 held an exhibition "Impressions of Sho" at Bunpodo Galley Tokyo.
2000 held a joint exhibition "Pottery and Calligraphy" at Galley Ninsyu Tokyo.
2009 held an exhibition "Poetry and Sho" at shop HABA Ginza.
2009 published a work book of sho, Shorin.
2011 assumed an advisor of Japan Design Calligrapher's Association.
2011 exhibit posters for Seoul International Typography Biennale "TYPOJANCHI" at Seoul Korea.

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